It’s very important to balance your spiritual lifestyle with the reality of people’s manipulative tactics to undermine your sense of value and self-worth.
Mantras are influential chants you can say in your head or out loud, which can be helpful in driving an intention. I frequently express this style of communication in my music which reveals my spiritual lifestyle.
Intuition is a skill that empaths need to learn. Time is essential and through experience you learn that not everyone, or every situation is worthy of your energy. The skill of intuition allows you to empathize with discernment.
My day-to-day struggles being a spiritual being deals with a constant back and forth between dreams and reality. This can be damaging on the mental and emotional health, but I always bounce back. The instrumental used for this song is called “Lotus” by Young Taylor, and there seems to be a ping pong delay somewhere within the beat.
Pisces is the sign of the unseen realm and surrendering for a greater cause. Virgo is the sign of picking up details about everyday life for the purpose of work and being of service. Being that I have both signs prominent in my astrology chart, I have the blessing of being a lightworker, thus I am able to perceive the darker aspects of reality. A lot of this deals with people’s ego mentality which is prominent in the field of artistry and entrepreneurship.
On a more positive note, the ego tarot card or the tower card comes right before blessings, which is the star card.
Your opinion is as relevant as the alternative perspectives.
A lot of people are just preachers, detached from the empathy that guides their intuition.
Since when did logic become more important than love? Indifference is the interference that separates us from the heart source. Unfortunately, today indifference rules the world. I hope one day we can change that. 🙏
Instrumental: “Latin” by CANIS MAJOR