As spiritual beings, we only hope to experience the best potential within our personal path. In our surroundings, we witness those self-actualizing, those stuck with insecurity, and those stuck in between living conditions. Some of us grew up with in environments that taught us that we were worthy of reaching our highest potentials. You gained support, recognition and motivation for whatever you strived after. Others gained the same sort of encouragement, as long as they did what was preferred by their family. Others grew up in environments where the parental figures didn’t show much concern at all because they were always busy. Regardless of the environmental upbringing, your parents and early environment set the tone for how you end up being received for a very long time. Parental figures influence the way others perceive the significance of your goals. However much they support and attend to your interests directly influences the way your friends will react. Then your friends reactions influence the way that others take interest. That is until someone finally breaks the spell. But often times, it’s too late. These evil experiences begin to construct a personality that is difficult to undo.
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